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Fear Free Certification

Fear Free is a series of training protocols for trainers, veterinary professionals, and pet parents on the reduction of fear, anxiety and stress in pets. Several team members at Lady Hammond Animal Hospital are proudly Fear Free certified.

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Fear Free Certification

When veterinary professionals decide to become Fear Free Certified, they are showing their dedication to the well-being of their patients. Fear Free principles and techniques are designed to reduce the anxiety, fear, and stress your pet can experience during a trip to the vet.

As part of the Fear Free Certification process, our team members have undergone extensive training on how to create a calm and welcoming environment for cats and dogs, and how to recognize when an animal is feeling anxious or fearful and may be in need of a more gentle approach.

Fear Free Certified, Halifax Vet

Fear Free Techniques

Because you and your pet are important to us, we want you both to feel comfortable and at ease from the moment you walk through our doors. Our Fear Free techniques help us accomplish this goal.

Lady Hammond Animal Hospital is dedicated to decreasing stress, anxiety and fear in patients while offering the best medical care possible.

By offering treats, mats, hiding spaces, and allowing cats to stay in their carriers or dogs in their owners' laps, we hope to create a positive veterinary experience for your pet. We also offer pre-visit medications when necessary, and will modify our handling techniques if your pet needs us to.

We offer separate cat and dog areas to reduce stress and excitement, as part of the larger Fear-Free principles we have implemented.

By adhering to both big and small Fear Free principles our delivery of veterinary care can be a more gentle and positive experience for our patients and their owners.

How We Implement Fear Free

Our team has extended the Fear Free principles throughout our hospital and prioritizes them second only to the medical care of our patients.

We work with our patients and their owners to undertake the following steps before and during each appointment:

  • Good Communication Between Pets & People

    We start by understanding and identifying how pets communicate signs of stress to us.

    These signs can include a number of subtle and obvious signals, from a tense expression or dilated pupils to growling, hissing or a tucked tail.

    We also will discuss the pet's known stressors with the owner, which can include sounds, scents, discomfort, unfamiliar people, and health status.

    Getting to know our canine and feline clients and understanding what stresses them out, and how they communicate that stress, helps us better manage it during their visits.

    We ask the family to speak up if there is something that causes fear, anxiety or stress. We can help!

  • Planning Ahead

    An anxiety-free veterinary appointment starts at home. Let us know if your pet gets stressed going to the vet. We can offer suggestions for things to do at home before the visit, which can include supplements to help with car sickness, or medication to help decrease your pet's stress level. 

    If your pet gets stressed coming into the lobby or meeting new people or other animals, we can have you wait in the car or in our outside waiting area, and then come directly into the exam room.

    Let us know if your pet does better with male or female vets.

    Cats and small- to medium-sized dogs should be used to their carriers before the visit. This can be accomplished by leaving the carrier out in an area of the home where the pet likes to be. ​Place a towel over the top of the carrier to help create a safe place with familiar scents.

    The carrier should also be outfitted with toys, and comfortable bedding or a non-slip mat. Carriers that have a top-off option are ideal because they are more accessible.

    If transporting a medium to large dog, be sure to use an approved restraint device in the car. The drive to the vet can be kept low-stress with calm music or silence and by avoiding hard stops or starts. 

    We also suggest bringing your pet's favourite treats or toys to the visit.

  • A Calm, Quiet Environment

    At Lady Hammond Animal Hospital, we do our best to keep the atmosphere calm, quiet and positive.

    To help reduce your pet's stress in the waiting area, keep cats and dogs separate as much as possible. Cat carriers should be kept off of the floor and placed on a sturdy table or chair. Keep your dog leashed and close to your side to minimize interaction with other waiting pets.

    When you arrive, you and your pet will receive a warm and friendly welcome. We want you to know that you are important to us.

    As dogs and cats are often sensitive to loud noises and quick movements, during the appointment, our veterinary team will remain calm, speak in quiet voices and approach your pet in a slow, careful manner.

  • Treats & Toys

    To encourage a positive experience and decrease fear, stress, and anxiety during the visit, rewards such as treats, toys or petting/brushing can be used during an exam or when obtaining diagnostics as long as it is not contraindicated based on why the pet is at the hospital.

    We have treats throughout the hospital, but if your cat or dog is on a special diet, or has a particular favourite, we encourage you to bring some with you to the visit.

  • Pet Owner Involvement

    Families are allowed to be with their pets during examinations, but not during sedation, anesthesia, X-rays and while the hospital is closed. The staff will direct families on how they can play a part in their pet's treatment to ensure lower stress for the animal and to keep staff and family safe during the procedure.

  • Sedation & Restraint Options

    If your pet needs to be restrained during a procedure, our trained staff may use a towel wrap, a muzzle, or an Elizabethan collar (e-collar) to ensure the patient is safe and comfortable. A mild sedative may be recommended to make sure that the procedure can be performed safely and is less stressful for the patient.

    If you already know that your pet experiences anxiety or stress when visiting the vet, it may be helpful for the veterinarian to provide you with a mild sedative to give to your pet at home before to an appointment.

    In some cases, we will reschedule a procedure if the pet is too stressed. This allows us to send home medications to be taken before performing the procedures at the next visit.

  • Fear-Free Overnight Stays

    Our veterinary team has guidelines in place to minimize stress during overnight stays.

    We work to minimize smells and loud noises, and we place calming pheromone diffusers around the hospital.

    We also sometimes use soft music or white noise machines to interfere with any sudden noises. Lights are kept low and pets are given soft bedding and places to hide to make them more comfortable.

    If we need to move your pet around in the hospital — for an exam, a procedure, or a walk outside — it is done slowly and calmly, avoiding interactions with other patients. Mild sedatives or anti-anxiety medications may be used in the hospital to reduce stress during the stay.

New Patients Welcome

Lady Hammond Animal Hospital is accepting new patients from across the Halifax Regional Municipality! We'd love to welcome you and your cat or dog into our veterinary family. Get in touch to book your companion's first appointment.

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